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Heavy Crypto University is the world’s #1 Cryptocurrency education platform. Our team of experts offers customized courses designed to guide you on becoming the next Crypto experts and millionaire

Top courses in Blockchain
Crypto for Beginners
This course will make you understand and get started with Bitcoin. You will not be afraid or confused with Bitcoin anymore.
Smart Contract Development Course
This course is an introductory course to Ethereum Smart Contracts.
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learners worldwide

You will be trained by Arthur heavycrypto on a 1 on 1 basis for one week. – Free Web 3 masterclass course and trading signals – Learn how to create your own coin and make your own NFT
Trading Indicators & Tools
HeavyCrypto Indicator
Discover the ultimate crypto trading tool: Heavy Crypto Indicator! Make smarter moves with BUY and SELL alerts for cryptocurrencies, stocks, and forex, all in REAL TIME
Cobra Arbitrage scanner
COBRA arbitrage scanner will give you crypto arbitrage opportunities everyday to take advantage of across exchanges
Triangular Arbitrage Scanner
HC triangular arbitrage scanner will give you triangular arbitrage opportunities within one crypto exchange. It works on all major crypto exchanges
Recognized by Trading p2p industry
I lost my job due to the pandemic. I was devastated and in huge debt. While exploring a new path by joining in Heavy Crypto University and learned Bitcoin P2P. After 8 months, I managed to become self employed and paid all my debt…
P2P trader
Why heavy Crypto university?
I have learned so much and refined so much of my knowledge about Bitcoin and Altcoins… and just being a more intentional investor than others
We have endless amount of content. You pick and choose which area to start with based on your goals or prior experience. You can also refer back to our lessons whenever faced with a challenge.
You'll be part of our Discord server where you can ask questions to experts and other learners.
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We have endless amount of content. You pick and choose which area to start with based on your goals or prior experience. You can also refer back to our lessons whenever faced with a challenge.
Learn. Trade.
Invest. Earn
Invest. Earn
Learn about trading and investing in Cryptocurrencies, Altcoins, Top Crypto Exchanges, Indicators. Learn how to Trade BTC, ETH and other cryptocurrencies.
Let’s get started!